Greek and Roman history 322 - 30 B.C.
This site contains detailed lists of events and sources for the history of the Hellenistic world and the Roman republic. It includes links to online translations of many of the sources, as well as new translations of some works which have not previously been easily available in English. To look at what's available, click on one of the links below.
Fourth century B.C. And also ...
How to use this site
Overview of sources
A - Z
Attalus, the king
Background Info.
Latin Texts
Greek/Latin Poetry
Index of References
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What's New?
- a list of events from 322 B.C., arranged by year
Third century B.C. & Second century B.C.- full lists of events, and timelines
First century B.C.- a list of events up to 30 B.C., arranged by year
Translations- including Eusebius, Memnon, Polyaenus, etc.
Inscriptions and Papyri- including a Concordance of Greek Inscriptions
Index of Names- and a complete List of sources and translations