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【开放获取数据库-古典学】Abbreviations+Serial Guide: Classics, Ancient Near East, Medieval Latin and Byzantine缩写
(发布日期: 2016-03-03 15:38  阅读:次)    



The University of Chicago Library

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Classics|Serial Guide: Classics, Ancient Near East, Medieval Latin and Byzantine


Punctuation and spacing must match entries exactly since this is string searching. Uppercase AND, OR, and NOT serve as Boolean operators. To anchor a match at the beginning of an entry a caret must precede the word (e.g.,^classicalfinds only titles that begin with "Classical"). To find a word anywhere in an entry surround the word with the @ sign (e.g.,@RAC@finds only RAC, not RACF, VeteraChr, etc.).

Abbreviations:(e.g.,AJSLor@RAC@)Titles:(e.g.,Rivista di archeologia cristiana)Call Number:(e.g.,PA1.G79)Subject Label:(e.g.,Cla,ANE, orMed)Start Date:(e.g.,1829or1800-1850)End Date:(e.g.,1999or1995-2004)Online:ALLOnline AvailableOnline Not Available(Select an Option)

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