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【开放获取数据库-古典学】国际柏拉图学会 哲学
(发布日期: 2016-03-03 15:38  阅读:次)    



International Plato Society

    CFP: XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Phaedo

    Extension of deadline for submission of abstracts – 12 September

    The International Plato Society welcomes submissions for the next XI Symposium Platonicum: Plato’s Phaedo, to be held in Brasilia, 4-8 July 2016.

    Due technical issues we experienced with the website, the deadline for submission of abstracts for the XI Symposium Platonicum has been extended to 12 September […]

    Call for papers

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      An Obituary for Aleš Havlíček

      οὐδὲ γὰρ οὐδὲ βίη ῾Ηρακλῆος φύγε κῆρα

      Homer, Ilias, Σ 217

      Last week, on Wednesday, July 22nd, Aleš Havlíček, Professor of Philosophy, a former president of the Czech Plato Society and an active member of the International Plato Society, met an untimely death in Prague. On Saturday, July 11th, he suffered a cerebral haemorrhage which turned out […]


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      IPS Newsletter, Issue 2, Brasília, July 2015

      IPS Newsletter July 2015

      Announcements, IPS Newsletter

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      Call for papers : III International Congress of Greek Philosophy (Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy – Lisbon)

      The Sociedade Ibérica de Filosofia Grega (SIFG) brings forth the III International Congress of Greek Philosophy in the 20th, 21st and 22nd April 2016, in the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. We welcome all proposals, which address any theme of the domain of ancient philosophy, namely dealing with one of the […]

      Announcements, Call for papers, Other conferences

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        Les Etudes Platoniciennes XI

        Posted by O. RENAUT

        Le directeur et le comité éditorial des Etudes Platoniciennes sont heureux de vous informer de la parution du numéro 11 des Etudes Platoniciennes, désormais exclusivement en ligne, à l’adresse

        Le numéro 11 est composé d’un dossier : « Platon et la psyché », faisant suite au premier d’une série de trois volumes consacrés à « Platon et ses prédécesseurs ». Il […]

        Just published

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          Call for papers. La vérité : Platon et les sophistes

          Colloque international de la section méditerranéenne de la société platonicienne internationale

          Convegno internazionale della sezione mediterranea dell’associazione internazionale dei platonisti / Congreso internacional de la sección mediterranea de la sociedad internacional de platonistas / International meeting of the mediterranean section of the international plato society



          Announcements, Call for papers

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            XI Symposium Platonicum

            Plato’s Phaedo

            Brasília, 4th to 8th of July 2016

            More informations here

            Announcements, Symposium Platonicum

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              Ateliers de la Société d’Etudes Platoniciennes

              The Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes will hold the SEP WORKSHOP 2015 on June, 25th and 26th at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. This event, open to the public, is dedicated to the presentation of ongoing research, unpublished, on Plato and the platonic tradition, before the members of the Société d'Etudes Platoniciennes. In depth discussion upon presented papers is willfully open. The Workshop is open to confirmed scholars as well as PHD students, for contributions in French, Italian, Spanish, German and English.

              Announcements, Call for papers

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                Pythia: Bibliographie platonicienne / Plato bibliography

                La bibliographie platonicienne, depuis 1950

                Pythia est un outil permettant de recenser et de faciliter l’accès à l’ensemble des publications scientifiques parues sur Platon (articles, monographies, traductions). Il prend la suite de la bibliographie platonicienne publiée d’abord par Harold F. Cherniss puis par Luc Brisson et son équipe dans Lustrum (1958-1990) et ensuite aux éditions J. Vrin (1990-2000), […]


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                  Midterm Meeting : Platonic Moral Realism

                  International Plato Society – Midterm Meeting

                  Platonic Moral Realism

                  Please visit :

                  March 13 – 15, 2015

                  Emory Univeristy – Atlanta, Ga

                  The metaphysical thesis that such Forms as the Good or the Just enjoy an existence independent of human opinions or social arrangements is generally taken to entail the objectivity of certain human values. Conference sessions will explore the […]