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(发布日期: 2016-03-03 15:38  阅读:次)    



The following array provides a list of all references to and quotation from Homer in the dialogues (164 references to Homer ; 91 quotations from the Iliad, 40 from the Odyssey), arranged according to the map of the dialogues in tetralogies presented elsewhere on this site. It also shows references by title to the Iliad (7 in all) and Odyssey (8 in all), and mentions by name of Achilles (31 in all, 18 of which in the Hippias Minor alone) and Ulysses (37 in all, 27 of which in the Hippias Minor alone). All references to either Plato (in blue) or Homer (in red) are clickable links to the corresponding text at Perseus in English translation. After the name of each dialogue is a count of how many times the name Homèros (and its derivatives) appears in the dialogue and how many quotations of the Iliad (I) and Odyssey (O) it includes.

Quotations are as listed in L. Brandwood, A Word Index to Plato, W. S. Maney and Son Limited, Leeds, 1976, pp.997-1001. They include both actual quotations of one or more verses of the poem and simple use of a few words within a phrase that are typical of Homeric expressions or meant to be an allusion to a section of the Iliad or Odyssey. In the later case, there may be more than one place in Homer where the expression is used and the reference given is one among several. In all cases, the reference to Homer given here may cover a few more verses than actually quoted or alluded to in Plato's text.


(name : 1; quotes : 1(I) + 1(O))

112b2 ; 131e3 : Od., II, 364-365; 132a5 : Il., II, 546-547

[Iliad : 112b2]

[Ulysses : 112b9]

[Odyssey : 112b2]


(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) + 1(O))

214a6 : Od., XVII, 217-218 (see also Symposium, 195b5)


(name : 2; quotes : 1(I) + 1(O))

191a1; 191a10-b3 : Il., V, 221-223 = VIII, 105-107 (see Cratylus, 407d8-9); 201b1; 201b2-3 : Od., XVII, 345-347 (see also Charmides, 161a4)


(name : 1; quotes : 0(I) + 1(O))

161a2; 161a4 : Od., XVII, 345-347 (see also Laches, 201b2-3)


(name : 6; quotes : 3(I) + 3(O))

309a6; 309b1 : Il., XXIV, 347-348 (also Od., X, 279); 311e3; 315b9; 315b9 : Od., XI, 601; 315c8 : Od., XI, 582-583; 316d7; 340a2; 340a4-7 : Il., XXI, 308-310; 348c7; 348d1-4 : Il., X, 224-226 (see Symposium, 174d2)


(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) + 0(O))

[Achilles : 292e8]


(name : 5; quotes : 3(I) + 1(O))

449a7 : Il., VI, 211 (see also Republic, VIII, 547a4-5; Sophist, 268d2-3; Philebus, 66b2); 449a8; 485d6 : Il., IX, 438-441; 513c2 : Il., VIII, 281 ("philè kephalè"); 516c3; 523a3; 525d7; 526d1; 526d2 : Od., XI, 568-570

[Ulysses : 526d1]


(name : 12; quotes : 5(I) + 0(O))

363b1; 363b3; 363c3; 364c5; 364e5; 365a1-b2 : Il., IX, 308-314 (also 370a4-5); 365c2; 365c3; 365c8; 365d3; 365d4; 369c3; 370b4-c3 : Il., IX, 357-363 (see also Crito, 44b2); 370c6-d1 : Il., I, 169-171; 371a4; 371b4 : Il., IX, 682-685; 371b8-c5 : Il., IX, 650-655

[Achilles : 363b4; 363b5; 364b3; 364c5; 364d8; 364e5; 364e9; 365b4; 365b5; 369a9; 369b5; 369c3; 369c5; 369e4; 370a1; 370e6; 371a2; 371e5]

[Iliad : 363b2; 365c2]

[Ulysses : 363b4; 363b5; 364b4; 364c7; 364e2; 364e10; 365a1; 365b5; 365b6; 365c2; 369a9; 369b4; 369c4; 369e4; 369e5; 370b2; 370e8; 370e11; 371a4; 371a7; 371b1; 371b4; 371d3; 371d5; 371e2; 371e2; 371e4]

[Odyssey : 363b3; 365c2]


(name : 1; quotes : 0(I) + 1(O))

100a3; 100a5 : Od., X, 494-495 (see Republic, III, 386d7)


(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) + 0(O))


(name : 2; quotes : 2(I) + 1(O))

28c7-d2 : Il., XVIII, 95-99; 28d3-4 : Il., XVIII, 102-104; 34d4; 34d4-5 : Od., XIX, 163 (see also Republic, VIII, 544d8); 41a7

[Ulysses : 41c1]


(name : 0; quotes : 1(I) + 0(O))

44b2 : Il., IX, 357-363 (see Hippias Minor, 370b4-c3)


(name : 9; quotes : 7(I) + 3(O))

[Prologue]174b5; 174c1 : Il., XVII, 586-588(see also Republic, III, 411b4); 174c6; 174d2 : Il., X, 224-226 (see also-Protagoras, 348d1-4)

[Phædrus : 178a-180b] 179b1; 179b1 : Il., X, 482-483; 180a7 [Achilles : 179e1; 180a4; 180b4]

[Pausanias : 180c-185c] 183e3-4 : Il., II, 70-71

[Eryximachus : 185e-188e]

[Aristophanes : 189d-193d] 190b7

[Agathon : 194e-197e] 195b5 : Od., XVII, 217-218 (see also Lysis, 214a6); 195d1; 195d2; 195d4-5 : Il., XIX, 92-94

[Interlude] 198c2; 198c3-4 : Od., XI, 633-635

[Socrates : 201d-212c] 209d1 [Achilles : 208d3]

[Interlude] 214b7 : Il., XI, 514-515 (see also Satesman, 297e11-12; Laws, V, 730d4-5)

[Alcibiades : 215a-222b] 219a1 : Il., VI, 234-236; 220c2 : Od., IV, 240-243 [Achilles : 221c6]


(name : 3 (+1); quotes : 5(I) + 1(O))

243a4; 243a6; 247e5-6 : Il., V, 368-369; 252b4 (Homèridôn); 260a5-6 : Il., II, 361; 264a8 : Il., VIII, 281 ("philè kephalè"); 266b6-7 : Il., XXII, 157 & Od., V, 192-193; 275b8 : Il., XXII, 126-128; 278c2

[Ulysses : 261b6; 261c3]


(name : 44 (+2); quotes : 32(I) + 15(O))

I : 328e6 : Il., XXIV, 486-487; 334a11; 334b2-3 : Od., XIX, 392-396; 334b4

[Ulysses : 334b1]

II : 363a8; 363b4-c2 : Od., XIX, 109 & 111-114; 364d4; 364d6-e2 : Il., IX, 497-501 (also 365e4; 366a3 and see Laws, X, 906e1-2); 377d4; 378d5; 379c9; 379d3-8 : Il., XXIV, 525-532; 381d3-4 : Od., XVII, 485-487 (see also Sophist, 216c5); 383a7

III : 386c5-7 : Od., XI, 489-491 (also VIII, 516d5-6); 386d1-2 : Il., XX, 61-65 (also 387c1); 386d4-5 : Il., XXIII, 100-104 (also 387a2-3); 386d6-d7 : Od., X, 494-495 (see also Meno, 100a5); 386d9-10 : Il., XVI, 856-857; 387a5-8 : Od., XXIV, 6-9; 387b1; 388a5; 388a7-b1 : Il., XXIV, 9-12; 388b1-3 : Il., XVIII, 23-24; 388b4-7 : Il., XXII, 414-415; 388c1 : Il., XVIII, 54-56; 388c4-5 : Il., XXII, 168-170; 388c7-d1 : Il., XVI, 433-434; 389a3; 389a5-6 : Il., I, 599-600; 389d2-3 : Od., XVII, 382-385; 389e5; 389e6 : Il., IV, 412-414; 389e8-9 : Il., III, 8-9 & IV, 429-431; 389e13 : Il., I, 225-228; 390a10-b2 : Od., IX, 5-10; 390b5 : Od., XII, 340-342; 390c5-6 : Il., XIV, 294-296; 390d4-5 : Od., XX, 17-20(also IV, 441b6; see also Phædo, 94d8-e1); 391a3; 391b3-4 : Il., XXIII, 149-151; 391a6-7 : Il., XXII, 15-20; 393a4-5 : Il., I, 12-16; 393b1; 393d3; 393d6; 394a6-7 : Il., I, 39-42; 396e5; 404b10; 404c6; 408a5 : Il., IV, 217-219; 411b4 : Il., XVII, 586-588 (see also Symposium, 174c1)

[Achilles : 388a6; 390e4; 390e7; 391a4; 391c1]

[Iliad : 392e2]

[Odyssey : 393b4]

IV : 424b8-10 : Od., I, 350-352; 441b4; 441c1

V : 468c10; 468d1; 468d2-2 : Il., VII, 321-322; 468d7; 468d10-e1 : Il., VIII, 161-162

VI : 501b6; 501b7 : Od., III, 416 & XIV, 171-173

VII : 516d4

VIII : 544d8 : Od., XIX, 163 (see also Apology, 34d4-5); 545d8; 545d8-e1 : Il., XVI, 112-113; 547a4-5 : Il., VI, 211 (see also Gorgias, 449a7; Sophist, 268d2-3; Philebus, 66b2); 566c10-d1 : Il., XVI, 775-776

IX :

X : 595b10; 598d8; 599b9; 599c7; 599d2; 599e6 (Homèridôn); 600a1; 600a10; 600b2(Homèrikèn); 600b7; 600b9; 600c4; 600d5; 600e4; 605c11; 606e1; 607a2; 607d1; 612b2

[Ulysses : 620c4]


(name : 3 (+1); quotes : 1(I) + 1(O))

94d6; 94d8-e1 : Od., XX, 17-20 (see also Republic, III, 390d4-5; IV, 441b6); 95a1; 95b7 (Homèrikôs); 112a2; 112a3 : Il., VIII, 13-14

[Ulysses : 94d7]

[Odyssey : 94d7]


(name : 14; quotes : 10(I) + 2(O))

391c8; 391d2; 391e5-6 : Il., XX, 73-74; 392a5-7 : Il., XIV, 289-291; 392b9; 392c10; 392d5; 392e1 : Il., XXII, 506-507; 392e4; 393a2; 393b3; 402a6; 402b4; 402b4-5 : Il., XIV, 200-203 (also 301-303; see Theætetus, 152e7); 407a9; 407d8-9 : Il., V, 221-223 = VIII, 105-107 (see Laches, 191a10-b3); 408a4; 408a3-b4 : Od., II, 162 & III, 194; 410b4 : Od., IV, 567-568; 410c1-2 : Il., IV, 324-325; 410c2; 415a2 : Il., VI, 262-265; 417c8; 417c8 : Il., XVI, 631; 428c4-5 : Il., IX, 644-645; 428d7-8 : Il., III, 109-110

[Achilles : 482c2]


(name : 47 (+1); quotes : 5(I) + 2(O))

530b9; 530c9; 530d3; 530d7 (Homèridôn); 530d7; 531a1; 531a3; 531a5; 531a7; 531b3; 531c1; 531c2; 531d1; 531d7; 531d10; 531d12 : Il., VIII, 281 ("philè kephalè"); 532a5; 532b3; 532c2; 532c6; 533c5; 533d2; 534c1; 535b3 : Od., XXII, 1-3; 536b4; 536b5; 536c1; 536c6; 536d2; 536d3; 536d6; 536d7; 536e1; 536e5; 536e6; 537a1; 537a8-b5 : Il., XXIII, 335-340; 537c2; 538b2; 538b7; 538c2-3 : Il., XI, 638-540 & 628-631; 538c4; 538c7; 538d1-3 : Il., XXIV, 80-82; 538e1; 539a1-b1 : Od., XX, 351-353 & 355-357; 539b4-d1 : Il., XII, 200-207; 539e2; 541b5; 541e2; 541e4; 542a1; 542a2; 542a4; 542b4

[Achilles : 535b5]

[Iliad : 539b2; 539d7]

[Ulysses : 535b3]

[Odyssey : 538e6; 539d6]


(name : 0; quotes : 1(I) + 0(O))

293e4 : Il., VIII, 281 ("philè kephalè")


(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) + 0(O))


(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) +0 (O))


(name : 6 (+1); quotes : 4(I) + 1(O))

152e5; 152e7 : Il., XIV, 200-203 (also 301-303; see also 153a2; 153c9 : Il., VIII, 18-20; 153d1; 160d7; 170e1 : Od., XVI, 121; 170e2; 179e3 (Homèreiôn); 183e6; 183e6 : Il., III, 171-172; 194c7; 194c7-e5 : Il., XVI, 553-555


(name : 1; quotes : 1(I) + 1(O))

216a6; 216c5 : Od., XVII, 485-487 (see also Republic, II, 381d3-4); 268d2-3 : Il., VI, 211(see also Gorgias, 449a7; Republic, VIII, 547a4-5; Philebus, 66b2)


(name : 0; quotes : 1(I) + 0(O))

297e11-12 : Il., XI, 514-515 (see also Symposium, 214b7; Laws, V, 730d4-5)


(name : 0; quotes : 3(I) + 0(O))

47e8-9 : Il., XVIII, 107-110; 62d4; 62d4-5 : Il., IV, 452-456; 66b2 : Il., VI, 211 (see also Gorgias, 449a7; Republic, VIII, 547a4-5; Sophist, 268d2-3)


(name : 1; quotes : 0(I) + 0(O))



(name : 0; quotes : 0(I) + 0(O))


(name : 6; quotes : 6(I) + 4(O))

I : 624a7

II : 658b8

[Iliad : 658d6]

[Odyssey : 658d6]

III : 680b4; 680b5-c1 : Od., IX, 112-115; 681e1; 681e2-5 : Il., XX, 216-218

IV : 706d3; 706e1-707a1 : Il., XIV, 96-102

[Ulysses : 706d4]

V : 730d4-5 : Il., XI, 514-515 (see also Symposium, 214b7; Statesman, 297e11-12)

VI : 777a1-2 : Od., XVII, 322-323

VII : 804a1-3 : Od., III, 26-28

IX : 858e1

X : 904e4 : Od., XIX, 43; 906e1-2 : Il., IX, 497-501 (see also Republic, II, 364d6-e2; 365e4; 366a3)

XI : 931a5 : Il., VI, 47-48