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Stelios Virvidakis
(发布日期: 2018-07-05 21:19  阅读:次)    

Stelios Virvidakis

Kroussovou 4,

Athens 115 28



Stelios (Stylianos) Virvidakis was born in Athens in 1955. He studied philosophy at the University of Athens (BA),at the University of Paris I / Sorbonne - Panthéon (Maîtrise, D.E.A) and at Princeton University (Ph.D.) He was awarded his doctoral degree in 1984 and the topic of his dissertation wasTranscendental Arguments, Transcendental Idealism and Scepticism. He has taught philosophy, at the American College of Greece (1986-1990), where he also served as the Director of the Humanities Area, at the Technical University of Crete (Spring 1988), at the University of Crete (Fall 1988), at the University of Thessaloniki (1991 - 1994), at the University of Rennes I (January 2001), at the University of Cyprus (Fall 2005), at the University of Grenoble (November 2012) and at the University of Athens (1994 - ), where he holds a position of Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science (January 2005- ). He has participated in many international conferences, given lectures in various Universities, in Europe, the U.S.A., Canada, Turkey,China, South Koreaand Japan, and has published a book in metaethics (La robustesse du bien, Nîmes: Jacqueline Chambon, 1996), a textbook of philosophy for Greek highschools and more than eighty articles in Greek, in French and in English, in scholarly journals, in conference proceedings, in philosophical dictionaries and encyclopaedias, mainly in the areas of ethics, epistemology and the history of philosophy. Some of his papers have been translated and published in Turkish and in Czech. He is a member of many philo­sophical societies, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Philosophiques (FISP), representing the Greek Philosophical Society. In 2006, he was awarded the title ofChevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiquesby the French Government. His current research interests include issues in epistemology, metaphilosophy, metaethics, the history of modern philosophy and the philosophy of literature.


1.“Variétés du réalisme en philosophie morale”,Philosophie, 22, (1989):11-35.

2. “A Metaethical Approach to Plato and Aristotle”,Philosophical Inquiry11 (1989): 38-64.

3.“Wittgenstein and the Development of Transcendental Philosophy”,inR. Haller & J. Brandl (eds.), Wittgenstein; Towards a Re-Evaluation, Proceedings of the 14thWittgenstein-Sympo­si­um: Centenary Celebration, 13thto 20thAugust 1989, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Wien 1990: Höl­der-Pichler-Tempsky Verlag, 1990,vol. 3, 144-46.

4.“On Constructing and Discovering Moral Facts”, (“Kantian Autonomy and Moral Truth”), in G. Funke (Hrg.),Akten des Siebenten Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Kurfürstliches Schloί zu Mainz, 1990, Bonn: Bouvier, 1991, 429-38.

5.“Rationality, Morality and Realism”, in M. Assimakopoulos, K. Gavroglou, Nikolakopoulos (eds.),Historical Types of Rationality,Proceedings of the First Greek-Soviet Symposium on Science and Society, Athens, October 23-6, 1990, Athens : National Technical University of Athens, 1992, 195-207.

6. “Neopragmatism and Anti-theoretical Tendencies in Moral Philosophy and in Literary Cri­ti­cism”, in S. Patsalides, (ed.),Hellenism and the U.S Constructions and Deconstructions, Thessaloniki, Aristotle University, 1994, 149-160.

7.La robustesse du bien, Nîmes, Éditions Jacqueline Chambon, 1996.

8. “La connaissance morale”, in Monique Canto-Sperber (dir.),Dictionnaire d’éthi­que et de philosophie morale, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1996, 301-310.

9. “Levels and Forms of Argumentation in theNicomachean Ethics”, in Nikolaos Avgelis & Filimon Peonidis (eds.),Aristotle on Logic, Language and Science, Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas, 1997, 239-249.

10. “Analytic Philosophy in Greece”,Dialectica, 51 (1997): 135 -43.

11.“Stratégies de modération du réalisme moral”, in Ruwen Ogien (dir.),Le réalisme moral,Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1999, 420-456.

12. “Contemporary Approaches to Aristotle’s Moral Realism”, in Demetra Sfendoni- Mentzou, Jagdish Hattiangadi, David Johnson (eds.),Aristotle and Contemporary Science, New York: Peter Lang, 2001, 251-262

13. “Les arguments transcendantaux et le problème de la justification de la normativité morale”, Philosophiques28 (2001): 109-128.

14. “On the Relations Between Philosophy and Literature”,Philosophical Inquiry25 (2003): 161-169.

15. “Le problème philosophique du sens de la vie”, in Paul-Antoine Miquel, Ciprian Mihali (dir.),Pouvoir et vie, (Actes de l’Université européenne d’été de Nice, Juillet 2003), Cluj: Idea Design & Print, Editura, 2004, 199-216.

16. “Ηare et la métaéthique contemporaine”, in Jean-Yves Goffi (dir.),Hare et la philosophie morale, Recherches sur la philosophe et le langage23 (2004) : 93-110.

17. “Émotions et raisons d’agir normatives”, in Ondrej Svec & Ciprian Mihali (dir.),Philosophie de l’action, (Actes de l’Université européenne d’été de Prague, Juillet 2004), Cluj: Idea Design & Print, Editura, 2005, 243-257

18. “McDowell’s Transcendental Empiricism and the Scheme-Content Distinction: The Pursuit of Innocence”,Internationale Zeitschrift fur Philosophie 14/2 (2005): 139-160

19. “Thephronimosas the ‘master craftsman’ of the ethical realm”, στο Δ.Παπαδής (επιμ.), Η ηθική φιλοσοφία του Αριστοτέλη: Ηθικά Νικομάχεια,Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Τραυλός, 2006, 115-130.

20. “On McDowell’s Conception of the Transcendental”,TeoremaXXV/1 (2006), 35-58.

21. “La querelle des droits de l’homme à l épreuve de la politique”, Rue Descartes51, (Février 2006), 47-58.

22. “On the Moral Assessment of Actions: Hard Cases in Applied Ethics”,SkepsisXVII/ i-ii (2006): 177-191.

23. “The Problem of Philosophical Knowledge in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: How to Make Theoretical Reason Intuitive”, in Kyriaki Goudeli, Pavlos Kontos & Ioli Patellis (eds.), Kant: Making Reason Intuitive, Basingstoke: Palgrave,Macmillan, 2007, 129-146.

24. “Arda Denkel’s Philosophical Vision”, in Ioanna Kuçuradi (ed.), Philosophy Facing World Problems, 21stWorld Congress of Philosophy, vol. 13, (Inaugural Speeches- Plenary Addresses- Symposia- Endowed and Special Lectures), Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007.

25. “Varieties of Quietism”,Philosophical Inquiry30 (2008): 157-175.

26. “Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and the Renewal of Contemporary Moral Philosophy”, in Eleni Karamalengou and Eugenia Makrygianni (eds.),Αντιφίλησις. Studies on Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature in Honour of John-Theophanes Papademetriou, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009, 293-300.

27. “The Allure of Hegelian Quietism”, TeoremaXXIX/3 (2010): 163 – 174.