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序号索书号题名责任者出版者出版日期版次标准编码收藏库室1B502.13/HERHeraclitus' Περì Φύσεως /Henry W. Johnstone, Jr.Tomas Library, Bryn Mawr College ,[1984]

9780929524122 pbk.外文图书(中心馆5楼)2B502.152/PARThe fragments of Parmenides /[Parmenides, Eleates] ; David Sider and Henry W. JThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524214外文图书(中心馆5楼)3B502.212/EMPpEmpedocles' Περì Φύσεως and Kaθaρμoί/Henry W. Johnstone Jr.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1985]

9780929524061外文图书(中心馆5楼)4B502.231/XENAXenophon's apology of Socrates/David Konstan.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1987]

9780929524368外文图书(中心馆5楼)5B502.232/PCSA student commentary on Plato's Euthyphro /Charles Platter.


9780472074327外文图书(中心馆5楼)6B502.232/PLAaoPlato's Apology /by Gilbert P. Rose.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

9780929524566外文图书(中心馆5楼)7B502.232/PLAcrPlato's Crito /Gilbert P. Rose.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,1983.3rd printing wit9780929524245外文图书(中心馆5楼)8B502.232/PLAetPlato's Euthyphro /John E. Hare.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1985]

092952425X外文图书(中心馆5楼)9B502.232/PLAhmPlato's Hippias major /[commentary by] David Sider.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524269外文图书(中心馆5楼)10B502.232/PLAioPlato's Ion /[commentary by] Andrew W. Miller.Thomas Libray, Bryn Mawr College,[1984]

9780929524276外文图书(中心馆5楼)11B502.232/PLAlaPlato's Laches /Penelope Rainey.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1985]

9780929524283外文图书(中心馆5楼)12B502.232/PLAlyPlato's Lysis /[commentary by] William H. Race.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1983]

9780929524290 pbk.外文图书(中心馆5楼)13B502.232/PLAmnPlato's Meno /[edited by] Richard McKirahan.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524306外文图书(中心馆5楼)14B502.232/PLAsyrPlato's Symposium /Gilbert P. Rose.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1985]2nd ed.9780929524320外文图书(中心馆5楼)15B502.233/ARInic/V.1Nicomachean ethics :Aristotle; Thomas Michael Banchich.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2004]

9781931019019外文图书(中心馆5楼)16B502.29/XENsSymposium /Xenophon ; [commentary by] Andrew M. Miller.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2005]

9781931019026外文图书(中心馆5楼)17B502.42/CMTnDe natura deorum. I /Cicero ; [commentary by] Richard McKirahan.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1997]

9780929524894外文图书(中心馆5楼)18B502.42/CMTpaPro Archia /Cicero ; [commentary by] Grace Starry West.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1995]

9780929524382外文图书(中心馆5楼)19B502.42/CMTpcPro Caelio /Cicero, [commentary by] Walter Englert.

9780929524658外文图书(中心馆5楼)20B502.42/CMTssM. Tulli Ciceronis Somnium Scipionis /[commentary by] John A. Stevens.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2002]

9780929524979外文图书(中心馆5楼)21B502.43/SENaApocolocyntosis /Seneca ; Paul Roth.Bryn Mawr College ,[1988]

9780929524511外文图书(中心馆5楼)22B502.49/BOEoThe Old English Boethius :edited and translated by Susan Irvine and Malcolm


9780674055582外文图书(中心馆5楼)23B502/CEBCebes' Pinax /Thomas Banchich.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1997]

9780929524900外文图书(中心馆5楼)24B503.914/EDsStultitiae laus /[text with commentary by] John F. Collins.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

9780929524719外文图书(中心馆5楼)25B503.99/BOEConsolatio philosophiae /Boethius ;James J. O'Donnell.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1990]

0929524373外文图书(中心馆5楼)26B82-059/MTOn morals, or, Concerning education /Theodore Metochites ; translated by Sophia Xenopho


9780674244634外文图书(中心馆5楼)27B842.6-05/ECWEmotions in the classical world :edited by Douglas Cairns and Damien Nelis.Franz Steiner Verlag,[2017]

9783515116190外文图书(中心馆5楼)28B971.2/HPBFirst epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians /Philip B. Harner.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1983]

9780929524221外文图书(中心馆5楼)29B971.2/HRActs /Richard Hamilton.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524009外文图书(中心馆5楼)30B971.2/KCEpistle of St. Paul to the Romans /Craig Kallendorf.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

0929524705外文图书(中心馆5楼)31B971/OEPOld English Psalms /edited and translated by Patrick P. O'Neill.


9780674504752外文图书(中心馆5楼)32B971/VB/V.1The Vulgate Bible : Volume I,The Pentateuch /edited by Swift Edgar.


9780674055346外文图书(中心馆5楼)33B971/VB/V.2:1The Vulgate Bible : Volume II A,The historical books /edited by Swift Edgar.


9780674996670外文图书(中心馆5楼)34B971/VB/V.2:2The Vulgate Bible : Volume II B,The historical books /edited by Swift Edgar.


9780674060777外文图书(中心馆5楼)35B971/VB/V.3The Vulgate Bible : Volume III,The poetical books /edited by Swift Edgar with Angela M. Kinney.


9780674996687外文图书(中心馆5楼)36B971/VB/V.4The Vulgate Bible : Volume IV,The major prophetical books /edited by Angela M. Kinney, introduction by Swift


9780674996694外文图书(中心馆5楼)37B971/VB/V.5The Vulgate Bible : Volume V,The minor prophetical books and Maccabees /edited by Angela M. Kinney, introduction by Swift


9780674066359外文图书(中心馆5楼)38B976.16/BENThe rule of Saint Benedict /edited and translated by Bruce L. Venarde.


9780674053045外文图书(中心馆5楼)39B979.546/MJThe Popes and the Church of Rome in Late Antiquity/John Moorhead.Routledge ,2017

9781138305779外文图书(中心馆5楼)40B979.9/AEL/V.1Old English lives of saints. Volume I/Ælfric ; edited and translated by Mary Clayton, an


9780674425095外文图书(中心馆5楼)41B979.9/AEL/V.2Old English lives of saints. Volume II /Ælfric ; edited and translated by Mary Clayton, an


9780674241299外文图书(中心馆5楼)42B979.9/AEL/V.3Old English lives of saints. Volume III/Ælfric ; edited and translated by Mary Clayton, an


9780674241725外文图书(中心馆5楼)43B979.9/AOEAnonymous Old English lives of saints /edited and translated by Johanna Kramer, Hugh Mage


9780674244641外文图书(中心馆5楼)44B979.956.1/ANS/V.1Epistolae Anselmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi = Volume I,the bec letters /edited and translated by Samu Niskanen.

2019First edition.9780199697168外文图书(中心馆5楼)45B979/AMA/V.1On the liturgy. volume I,books 1-2 /Amalar of Metz ; edited and translated by Eric Kni


9780674060012外文图书(中心馆5楼)46B979/AMA/V.2On the liturgy. volume II,books 3-4 /Amalar of Metz ; edited and translated by Eric Kni


9780674417038外文图书(中心馆5楼)47B979/GRELives and miracles /Gregory of Tours ; edited and translated by Gisell


9780674088450外文图书(中心馆5楼)48B979/PSPPassio sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis /James W. Halporn.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1984]

9780929524474外文图书(中心馆5楼)49D59/NPPNew perspectives on power and political representation from ancient history to the present day :edited by Harm Kaal, Daniëlle Slootjes.


9789004291959外文图书(中心馆5楼)50D738.16/SJ/V.1Jews and Christians in Roman-Byzantine Palestine : Volume I,Christianity and Jerusalem /Joshua Schwartz.


9783034335881外文图书(中心馆5楼)51D741.162/KEComing of Age in Medieval Egypt :Eve Krakowski.


9780691191638外文图书(中心馆5楼)52D754.535-09/HVJPolicing Athens :Virginia J. Hunter.


9780691655475外文图书(中心馆5楼)53D754.59/ACThe discourse of kingship in classical Greece /Carol Atack.Routledge,2020.

9780367205300外文图书(中心馆5楼)54D754.681/GMIGender, memory, and identity in the Roman World /edited by Jussi Rantala.


9789462988057外文图书(中心馆5楼)55D771.238-05/KGSModern Greece and the diaspora Greeks in the United States /George Kaloudis.


9781498562270外文图书(中心馆5楼)56D902/EVVEmotion, violence, vengeance and law in the Middle Ages :edited by Kate Gilbert, Stephen D. White.


9789004342729外文图书(中心馆5楼)57D904.1-532/IJRThe impact of justice on the Roman Empire :


9789004400450外文图书(中心馆5楼)58D954.51/XEN[Xenophon]'s Constitution of the Athenians /Mark JoyalThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2001]

9780929524955外文图书(中心馆5楼)59D956.19/CBCrossing borders :edited by Sara M. Butler, Krista J. Kesselring.


9789004335684外文图书(中心馆5楼)60F316.49/DVFish trade in medieval North Atlantic societies :Val Dufeu.


9789462983212外文图书(中心馆5楼)61H673.1/AJPAncient Egyptian phonology /James P. Allen.Cambridge University Press,2020.

9781108707305外文图书(中心馆5楼)62H791/RENThe rhetorical exercises of Nikephoros Basilakes :edited and translated by Jeffrey Beneker and Craig


9780674660243外文图书(中心馆5楼)63I106.2/MLI/V.1Medieval Latin lyric. Volume 1 /[commentaries by] Penelope Rainey.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524764外文图书(中心馆5楼)64I106.2/MLI/V.2Medieval Latin lyric. Volume 2 /[commentaries by] Penelope Rainey.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524780外文图书(中心馆5楼)65I106.2/MLI/V.3Medieval Latin lyric. Volume 3 /[commentaries by] Penelope Rainey.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524799外文图书(中心馆5楼)66I106.4/KDhHistoria Apollonii Regis Tyri /David Konstan and Michael Roberts.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1988]

9780929524405外文图书(中心馆5楼)67I106/CQTQuintus Cicero :translated with introduction and commentary by W.


9780198153078外文图书(中心馆5楼)68I106/TSTria sunt :edited and translated by Martin Camargo.


9780674987531外文图书(中心馆5楼)69I411.077/VSThe craft of a good scribe :by Steve Vinson.


9789004353091外文图书(中心馆5楼)70I500.72/AIThe Arundel lyrics :edited and translated by Christopher J. McDonough.


9780674055575外文图书(中心馆5楼)71I502.3/JOHArchitrenius /Johannes de Hauvilla ; translated by Winthrop Weth


9780674988156外文图书(中心馆5楼)72I516.33/HROdDulcitius and Paphnutius /Hrotsvitha ; [commentaries by] Paul Pascal.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

9780929524412外文图书(中心馆5楼)73I530.22/BMThe Beowulf manuscript :edited and translated by R. D. Fulk.


9780674052956外文图书(中心馆5楼)74I545.072/HBFThe Homeric Battle of the frogs and mice /Joel P. Christensen and Erik Robinson.Bloomsbury Academic,2018.

9781350035942外文图书(中心馆5楼)75I545.072/KLEExperiencing Hektor :Lynn Kozak.Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publ2017.

9781474245449外文图书(中心馆5楼)76I545.072/LYCAlexandra :Simon HornblowerOxford University Press,2017

9780198810643外文图书(中心馆5楼)77I545.072/SBHHomer, Odyssey I, VI, IX /Beth SeveryThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

9780929524665外文图书(中心馆5楼)78I545.072/TJAllegories of the Iliad /John Tzetzes ; translated by Adam J. Goldwyn and D


9780674967854外文图书(中心馆5楼)79I545.072/TJaAllegories of the Odyssey /John Tzetzes ; translated by Adam J. Goldwyn and D


9780674238374外文图书(中心馆5楼)80I545.073/CBEuripides' Bacchae /Beth Causey.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1995]

9780929524856外文图书(中心馆5楼)81I545.073/HREEuripides' Alcestis /[commentary by] Richard Hamilton with Michael W. HTomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1980]

0929524071外文图书(中心馆5楼)82I545.073/SOPeSophocles' Electra /commentary by Hanna M. Roisman.Oxford University Press,[2020].

9780190461393外文图书(中心馆5楼)83I545.22/APOa/V.3Argonautika. Book 3 /Apollonius Rhodius ; [commentary by] William H. RaThomas Library, Bryn Mawr Commentaries,[2009]

9781931019071外文图书(中心馆5楼)84I545.22/CALCallimachus' hymns I, II, V, VI /[commentary by] Robert Schmiel.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1984]

9780929524054外文图书(中心馆5楼)85I545.22/HEShHesiod's Theogony /Hesiod, [commentary by] Richard Hamilton.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1990]

9780929524153外文图书(中心馆5楼)86I545.22/HESwHesiod's Works and days /Hesiod, [commentary by] Richard Hamilton, Ellen RaThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1988]

9780929524542外文图书(中心馆5楼)87I545.22/HOMaThe Homeric hymn to Aphrodite /[commentary by] Gilbert P. RoseThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2000]

9780929524948外文图书(中心馆5楼)88I545.22/HOMeThe Homeric hymn to Hermes /[commentary by] Julia Haig Gaisser.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1983]

9780929524184外文图书(中心馆5楼)89I545.22/HOMmThe Homeric hymn to Apollo /[commentary by] Peter M. Smith, Lee T. Pearcy.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1981]

9780929524160外文图书(中心馆5楼)90I545.22/HOMsThe shorter Homeric hymns /Lee T. PearcyThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

9780929524627外文图书(中心馆5楼)91I545.22/HOMyHymn to Demeter /[commentary by] Julia Haig Gaisser.Thoma Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1980]

9780929524177外文图书(中心馆5楼)92I545.22/PINNNew selected odes of Pindar /Eleanor Dickey and Richard Hamilton.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

9780929524726外文图书(中心馆5楼)93I545.32/ARIacAcharnians/Aristophanes.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2003]

9780929524993外文图书(中心馆5楼)94I545.32/ARIbiAristophanes' Birds /Peter BurianThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

9780929524641外文图书(中心馆5楼)95I545.32/ARIlyAristophanes' Lysistrata /[ed., with comment. by] J. Hilton Turner.Tomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1982]

0929524039外文图书(中心馆5楼)96I545.32/ARIpAristophanes' Plutus /S. Douglas Olson.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

0929524632外文图书(中心馆5楼)97I545.32/ARItAristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae /Aristophanes, Joseph F. Gannon.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[987]

0929524047外文图书(中心馆5楼)98I545.32/ARIuAristophanes' Clouds /Aristophanes ; [commentary by] Laura S. Barnard.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1987]

0929524020外文图书(中心馆5楼)99I545.32/EURcyEuripides' Cyclops /[Euripides], S. Douglas Olson.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1999]

0929524918外文图书(中心馆5楼)100I545.32/EUReeEuripides' Electra /[commentary by] Martin Crop.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

0929524578外文图书(中心馆5楼)101I545.32/EURhaEuripides' Heraclidae /Z. Philip AmbroseThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1990]

0929524683外文图书(中心馆5楼)102I545.32/EURhc/V.1Euripides' Heracles.Martin Cropp and Richard Hamilton.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1987]

0929524098外文图书(中心馆5楼)103I545.32/EURhiEuripides' Hippolytus./Richard Hamilton.Thoma Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1982]

0929524101外文图书(中心馆5楼)104I545.32/EURhlEuripides' Helen /[commentary by] John W. Ambrose Jr. and Allan D. WThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1992]

0929524756外文图书(中心馆5楼)105I545.32/EURhuEuripides' Hecuba /[commentary by] John W. Ambrose, Jr.Thomas, Bryn Mawr College,[1981]

9780929524085外文图书(中心馆5楼)106I545.32/EURip/V.1Iphigeneia at Aulis.Theodore A. Tarkow and Sally MacEwen.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1988]

0929524551外文图书(中心馆5楼)107I545.32/EURmeEuripides' Medea /[with commentary by] Michelle KwinterThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1999]

9780929524924 pbk.外文图书(中心馆5楼)108I545.32/EURor/V.1Euripides' orestes. V.1/[Euripides] ; Thomas M. Falkner.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1984]

092952411X外文图书(中心馆5楼)109I545.32/MENdMenander's Dyskolos.

Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1983]

0929524209外文图书(中心馆5楼)110I545.32/SOPanSophocles' Antigone /Sophocles ; [commentary by] Nicolas P. Gross.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1988]

9780929524337外文图书(中心馆5楼)111I545.32/SOPocSophocles' Oedipus at Colonus /[ed., with comment. by] Gilbert P. Rose.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1988]

9780929524344外文图书(中心馆5楼)112I545.32/SOPoiSophocles, Oidipous Tyrannos /Jeffrey RustenThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1990]

9780929524672外文图书(中心馆5楼)113I545.32/SOPphSophocles' Philoctetes :Roberto Torretti.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1997]

9780929524887外文图书(中心馆5楼)114I545.42/CHA/V.1Chariton Callirhoe. Book 1 /Chariton, Cashman Kerr Prince.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2009]

9781931019057外文图书(中心馆5楼)115I545.62/ISAIsaeus' Orations 2 and 6 /Deborah Kamen.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2000]

0929524969外文图书(中心馆5楼)116I545.62/LYSLysias orations I, III /[commentaryby] Ruth Scodel.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524191外文图书(中心馆5楼)117I545.62/THETheophrastus' Characters /[commentary by] Elizabeth A. BobrickThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1991]

0929524691外文图书(中心馆5楼)118I546.072/YJMinor authors of the Corpus Tibullianum /John Yardley.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1992]

0929524748外文图书(中心馆5楼)119I546.22/JUVaSatura VI /Juvenal ; [introduction and commentary by] Amy RicThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

092952442X外文图书(中心馆5楼)120I546.22/LUCd-2De bellum civile IX /Lucan ; [introduction and notes by] David P. KubiaThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2016]Second edition.9781931019095外文图书(中心馆5楼)121I546.22/OVIr/V.1Ars amatoria. I /Ovid ; Elizabeth Block.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

9780929524450外文图书(中心馆5楼)122I546.22/OVIs/V.2Fasti. II /Ovid ; [introd. and notes by] John F. MillerThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1985]

9780929524467外文图书(中心馆5楼)123I546.22/OVIs/V.5Fasti. V /Ovid, Betty Rose Nagle.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1996]

0929524861外文图书(中心馆5楼)124I546.22/PERaSaturae /Persius; Carrie Cowherd.Thomas Library Bryn Mawr College,c1984.

0929524489外文图书(中心馆5楼)125I546.22/PRUPsychomachia /Prudentius; [text and commentary by] Rosemary BurtThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2004]

0929524616外文图书(中心馆5楼)126I546.22/SPPSilvae /Statius ; [commentary by] Stephen Newmyer.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1997]

9780929524528外文图书(中心馆5楼)127I546.32/PLACaptivi /Plautus ; [commentary by] Gail SmithThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524500外文图书(中心馆5楼)128I546.32/PLAmMercator /Plautus ; [edited and commentary by] Antonios C. AThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2009]

1931019061外文图书(中心馆5楼)129I546.32/TERa/V.1Andria. Part 1,Introduction and text /Terence ; [commentary by] Richard C. Monti.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1986]

9780929524580外文图书(中心馆5楼)130I546.42/APUeMetamorphoses book III /Apuleius ; [commentary by] William Turpin.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[2002]

9780929524986外文图书(中心馆5楼)131I561.2/OES/V.2Old English shorter poems. Volume II,Wisdom and lyric /edited and translated by Robert E. Bjork.


9780674053069外文图书(中心馆5楼)132I564.63/EGBThe well-laden ship /Egbert of Liège ; translated by Robert Gary Babco


9780674051270外文图书(中心馆5楼)133I565.13/ALALiterary works /Alan of Lille ; edited and translated by Winthrop


9780674059962外文图书(中心馆5楼)134I565.22/CRMConcilium Romarici Montis /Paul Pascal.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524772外文图书(中心馆5楼)135I565.23/FVPoems /Venantius Fortunatus ; edited and translated by Mi


9780674974920外文图书(中心馆5楼)136J05/DADisruption in the arts :edited by Lars Koch, Tobias Nanz, and Johannes Pau


9783110565867外文图书(中心馆5楼)137J110.99/WRArt nouveau and the classical tradition /Richard Warren.Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publ2018.

9781474298551外文图书(中心馆5楼)138K05/DSDiodoros of Sicily :edited by Lisa Irene Hau, Alexander Meeuws, and Br


9789042934986外文图书(中心馆5楼)139K12/GRNGreek and Roman networks in the Mediterranean /edited by Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou, Routledge,2011.

9780415508759外文图书(中心馆5楼)140K125/BGElis :Graeme Bourke.Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Grou2018.

9780415749572外文图书(中心馆5楼)141K125/CDA historical commentary on Thucydides :David Cartwright.


9780472084197外文图书(中心馆5楼)142K125/CPHCentre and periphery in the Hellenistic world /edited by Per Bilde [and 4 others].Aarhus University Press,[1993].

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9780472073986外文图书(中心馆5楼)147K125/PHLPolybius and his legacy /edited by Nikos Miltsios and Melina Tamiolaki.De Gruyter,[2019].

9783110685282外文图书(中心馆5楼)148K125/PLUtPlutarch's Themistocles /[commentaries by] David J. Ladoucer.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

0929524608外文图书(中心馆5楼)149K125/SCWThucydides Book VI :Cynthia W. ShelmerdineThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1989]

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9780521895057外文图书(中心馆5楼)151K126/AUGrRes gestae divi Augusti /Cynthia DamonThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,c1995

9780929524849外文图书(中心馆5楼)152K126/BJCA commentary on Livy, books 38-40 /by John Briscoe.Oxford University Press,[2008]

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9780198144557外文图书(中心馆5楼)154K126/BTDThe new empire of Diocletian and Constantine /Timothy D. Barnes.


9780674280663外文图书(中心馆5楼)155K126/CCRThe Cambridge companion to the Roman historians /edited by Andrew Feldherr.Cambridge University Press,2009.

9780521670937外文图书(中心馆5楼)156K126/CPOCommunicating public opinion in the Roman Republic /edited by Cristina Rosillo-López.


9783515121729外文图书(中心馆5楼)157K126/CRPA companion to the Roman Republic /edited by Nathan Rosenstein and Robert Morstein-Ma


9781405102179外文图书(中心馆5楼)158K126/EJWr/V.1The Roman Empire : Volume 1 /James W. Ermatinger.ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC,[2018]

9781440849077外文图书(中心馆5楼)159K126/GAKPax Romana :Adrian Goldsworthy.

9780300230628外文图书(中心馆5楼)160K126/LIVFLivy,Gary Forsythe.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1994]

0929524829外文图书(中心馆5楼)161K126/LIVGLivy.[text and commentary by] Julia Haig Gaisser and T.Department of Greek, Bryn Mawr College,c2000.

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[1st pbk. ed.].9780199237852外文图书(中心馆5楼)163K126/RLRoman imperialism and local identities /Louise Revell.Cambridge University Press,2010.1st pbk. ed.9780521174732外文图书(中心馆5楼)164K134/AMThe history /Michael Attaleiates ; translated by Anthony Kaldel


9780674057999外文图书(中心馆5楼)165K134/BDMByzantium in dialogue with the Mediterranean :edited by Daniëlle Slootjes, Mariëtte Verhoeven.


9789004392595外文图书(中心馆5楼)166K134/CL/V.1The histories. Volume I /Laonikos Chalkokondyles ; translated by Anthony Ka


9780674599185外文图书(中心馆5楼)167K134/CL/V.2The histories. Volume II /Laonikos Chalkokondyles ; translated by Anthony Ka


9780674599192外文图书(中心馆5楼)168K134/CPPCenter, province and periphery in the age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos :edited by Niels Gaul, Volker Menze and Csanád Bá


9783447109291外文图书(中心馆5楼)169K134/NAThe Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine appropriation of the past /András Németh.


9781108423632外文图书(中心馆5楼)170K134/PMTwo works on Trebizond /Michael Panaretos, Bessarion ; edited and translat


9780674986626外文图书(中心馆5楼)171K18/AJASprings of western civilization :James A. Arieti.Lexington Books,[2017]

9781498534819外文图书(中心馆5楼)172K369/PSThe history of Armenia :Simon Payaslian.

2007.1st ed.9780230600645外文图书(中心馆5楼)173K411.2/MJ(2)The cat in ancient Egypt /Jaromir Malek.University of Pennsylvania Press,2006.Revised edition.9780812297195外文图书(中心馆5楼)174K411.21/RRTAkhenaten :Ronald T. Ridley.


9789774167935外文图书(中心馆5楼)175K503/LGJMedieval civilization, 400-1500 /Jacques Le Goff ; translated by Julia Barrow.

1990.[1st pbk. ed.]9780631175667外文图书(中心馆5楼)176K503/RHRereading Huizinga :edited by Peter Arnade, Martha Howell and Anton va


9789462983724外文图书(中心馆5楼)177K545.9/BARCorinth in late antiquity :Amelia R. Brown.I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd,2018.

9781784538231外文图书(中心馆5楼)178K546.9/SICSicily :edited by Dirk Booms and Peter John Higgs.The British Museum,[2019].

9780861592227外文图书(中心馆5楼)179K546.9/THSicily and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages /Hiroshi Takayama.


9781138496194外文图书(中心馆5楼)180K551.3/CNThe Muslim conquest of Iberia :Nicola Clarke.


9780415673204外文图书(中心馆5楼)181K560.3/TCThe debate on the Crusades /Christopher Tyerman.


9780719073212外文图书(中心馆5楼)182K561.3/GEOThe History of the Kings of Britain :edited and translated by David W. Burchmore.


9780674241367外文图书(中心馆5楼)183K564.9/MBMedieval Bruges, c. 850-1550 /edited by Andrew Brown, Jan Dumolyn.


9781108419659外文图书(中心馆5楼)184K565.3/RIC/V.1Histories. Volume I,Book 1-2 /Richer of Saint Rémi ; edited and translated by J


9780674060036外文图书(中心馆5楼)185K565.3/RIC/V.2Histories. Volume II,Book 3-4 /Richer of Saint Rémi ; edited and translated by J


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9781931019040外文图书(中心馆5楼)187K835.465.6/PF-2Selected letters /Petrarca ; [Commentary by] Craig Kallendorf.Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,2002.2nd ed.0929524497外文图书(中心馆5楼)188K835.468.9/ATTLife of Atticus /Nepos, Cynthia DamonThomas Library, Bryn Mawr College,[1993]

0929524810 pbk.外文图书(中心馆5楼)189K835.635.1/APAnton Pannekoek :Edited by Chaokang Tai, Bart van der Steen, Jeroen


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9780929524399外文图书(中心馆5楼)191K85/JM-3Archaeological theory :Matthew Johnson.

2020.Third edition.9781118475027外文图书(中心馆5楼)192K854/RHSThe Routledge handbook of sensory archaeology /edited by Robin Skeates and Jo Day.Routledge,2020.

9781138676299外文图书(中心馆5楼)193K866.3/CCPCeramics in circumpolar prehistory :edited by Peter Jordan, University of Groningen, KCambridge University Press,2019.

9781107118249外文图书(中心馆5楼)194K867.42-532/ECLThe epigraphic cultures of late Antiquity /edited by Katharina Bolle, Carlos Machado and ChriFranz Steiner Verlag,[2017]

9783515115582外文图书(中心馆5楼)195K883.76/HSOA history of Syria in one hundred sites /edited by Youssef Kanjou and Akira Tsuneki.Archaeopress Publishing Ltd,[2016]

9781784913816外文图书(中心馆5楼)196K885.457/SEG/V.29Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, volume XXIX,1979 /editors H. W. Pleket, R. S Stroud...[et al.].


9789004164963外文图书(中心馆5楼)197K885.457/SEG/V.36Supplementum epigraphicum graecum. Volume XXXVI,1986/editors: H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud.


9789004164895外文图书(中心馆5楼)198K885.457/SEG/V.38Supplementum epigraphicum graecum. Vol. 38 /editors H. W. Pleket, R. S. Stroud.


9789050630733外文图书(中心馆5楼)199K885.458.4/LB/V.2The Ancient harbours of Piraeus. Volume II,Zea Harbour: the group 1 and 2 shipsheds and slipways - aby Bjørn Lovén & Ioannis Sapountzis.Aarhus University Press,[2019].

9788771848021外文图书(中心馆5楼)200K885.458.8/GCDeath in Mycenaean Laconia :Chrysanthi Gallou.Oxbow Books,2020.

9781789252422外文图书(中心馆5楼)201K885.46/LAKale Akte, the fair promontory :Adam Lindhagen ; with a foreword by R.J.A. Wilson Oxbow Books for the Department of Classical, Near 2020.

9781789252507外文图书(中心馆5楼)202K887.308.3/ULEUrbanized landscapes in early Syro-Mesopotamia and prehispanic Mesoamerica :Edited by Davide Domenici, Nicolò Marchetti.


9783447110860外文图书(中心馆5楼)203K895.452.2/MKThe death of the maiden in classical Athens /Katia Margariti.Archaeopress Publishing Ltd.,[2017]

9781784915469外文图书(中心馆5楼)204K901.9/PCWThe periphery of the classical world in ancient geography and cartography /edited by Alexander V. Podossinov.Peeters,2014.

9789042929234外文图书(中心馆5楼)205K937.06-532/TTATopography and Toponymy in the Ancient Near East :edited by Jan Tavernier, Elynn Gorris, Kathleen Ab


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9780929524832外文图书(中心馆5楼)207K954.59/RDWEarly travellers in Eastern Boiotia /by Duane W. Roller.J.C. Gieben, Publisher,1988.

9789050630061外文图书(中心馆5楼)208N09/CBSA companion to Byzantine science /edited by Stavros Lazaris.Brill,[2020]

9789004414600外文图书(中心馆5楼)209N095.45/CTACutting-edge technologies in ancient Greece :edited by Marina Panagiotaki, Ilias Tomazos and FoOxbow Books,2020.

9781789252989外文图书(中心馆5楼)210Q911.5/TIKTikal :edited by David L. Lentz, Nicholas P. Dunning, VerCambridge University Press,2019.

9781108796781外文图书(中心馆5楼)211Q959.7-095/GJBirds in the Bronze Age :Joakim Goldhahn.Cambridge University Press,2019.

9781108499095外文图书(中心馆5楼)212TU-865.45/NDPNew directions and paradigms for the study of Greek architecture :edited by Philip Sapirstein PhD, University of TorBrill,[2020]

9789004416635外文图书(中心馆5楼)213U674.926-09/ADAThe life of the red sea dhow :Dionisius A. Agius.


9781848858060外文图书(中心馆5楼)214K885.457.42/IG/V.5:2Inscriptiones graecae. Volume V Fascicvlvs alter,Inscriptiones Laconiae Messeniae Arcadiae. FasciculConsilio et avctoritate Academiae regiae borvssicaW. de Gruyter,1966.
